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We are the most advanced care facilities and has become a leading provider in medical care for local and international patientes in Los Cabos

We are the most advanced care facilities and has become a leading provider in medical care for local and international patients in Los Cabos

Savings form 40% up to 70%

No waiting Time

Board Certified & Bilingual Doctors

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Personalized Care Coordination from BlueNet patients

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Narda Rodríguez | Mexico

The excellent doctor and all his team, the very kind nurses.

Paula Turner | United States

From the moment Dr’s Hernandez and Rivas landed in the air ambulance to pick us up, until the time of discharge, we were treated with the most attention to care and professionalism. The facility is top notch with state-of-the-art equipment. Rooms are very clean and all the nurse, aides and staff in the hospital unit were outstanding. The food was very good and plentiful. We can´t say enough of how grateful we are of the entire staff involved in treating a life-threatening episode. Thank you all! Muy muchas gracias.

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